
Revamp Your Marketing Approach for Replacement Windows and Door Companies

Unlocking Strategies to Boost Leads, Schedule More Appointments, and Foster Growth!

You’ve taken all the right steps – from saturation mailing to crafting an appealing website, securing listings on online directories and Google, to engaging SEO and social media marketing experts. You’ve explored paid online ads on platforms like Google and Facebook, and perhaps even invested in local print, billboard, or TV advertising.
However, despite these efforts, you might find that they fall short of fulfilling your growth objectives. In this blog post, we unveil a cost-effective solution to ensure a continuous flow of leads into your sales funnel. Read on to discover the key to sustained growth for your replacement windows and door company.

First, let's delve into the motivations behind homeowners seeking replacement windows and doors, and their demographic characteristics.

Why Home Owners Consider Replacement Windows and Doors?

The average lifespan of residential windows typically ranges from 15 to 20 years. However, various factors may prompt homeowners to consider window replacement sooner than expected. These reasons include:

Local Weather and Wear and Tear

Harsh weather conditions and general wear and tear over time can take a toll on windows. Replacement becomes essential to maintain the structural integrity and functionality of your home.

Energy Efficiency

Upgrading to energy-efficient windows is a common motivation for replacement. Newer windows with advanced technology can contribute significantly to energy savings, providing better insulation and reducing utility costs.

Poor Curb Appeal or Outdated Style

To improve the look & feel of their home, or to get the home ready for sale, owners often have work done without the work being structurally necessary.
Aesthetic considerations are big decision-drivers in the home-improvement space. New windows, roofs, etc can significantly raise the the curb-appeal of one’s home.

Demographics of Replacement Windows and Door Buyers:


Marital Status

Household Income

Age Group

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How to Boost Small-Dollar Political Fundraising with Targeted Data

Small Dollar Contributions have sharply declined..

Political fundraising marketers are reporting that small-dollar contribution levels are roughly half that of the cycle leading up to 2020 and lags far behind the past 10-year average, even when adjusted for inflation.

Marketers are chalking this drop in donations to economic conditions – rising consumer prices have stretched the average donor’s budget, making political contributions a non-priority for voters.

Email Marketing still reigns

About 70% of online political donations come through Email marketing.

Email has been and still is the most valuable player when it comes to reaching donors and securing small-dollar contributions.

Marketing Challenges Unique to Political Campaigns

Traditional B2C or B2B email campaigns have several advantages over political email campaigns.

Audience Segmetation

Businesses have organic, cumulative prospect & customer data to inform their audience targeting decisions. Also, businesses will often not need to make big changes to their targeting approach as time goes on.

Political campaigns have little to no organic data to inform their decision, and must rely on a combination of intuition and the experience of political data providers.

Time & Trial

Businesses have years to analyze who converts for them and who doesn’t, so they can analyze trends and adjust audience segmentation over longer time periods.

Political campaigns have just a few months to target their audience.

Flexibility & Agility

Political campaigns must tailor their email marketing content to day-to-day topics and issues facing the campaign.

If the news cycle changes, or if there’s a new development in the campaign, marketers must adapt on the fly, and have mere hours to source an appropriately targeted audience from their data source.

Marketing Challenges Unique to Political Campaigns

Political Audience Segmentation by Core Issues:

Here’s just a few of our pre-segmented political audiences ready to go for your campaign:

Political Audience Segmentation by Demographics:

In addition to targeting by registered parties like Democrat, Republican, Independent, NPA, Libertarian & other 3rd parties – craft your audience by demographics & behaviors like:

Getting Started with Datazapp

You can create an account below to get started. It’s completely free to explore our database and see what we have to offer!


The Importance of Alumni Data

Alumni Data

College alumni data is a crucial resource for marketers, universities, businesses, and research & networking organizations alike.

Universities use alumni data to identify potential donors and build relationships with them, leveraging the alumni’s pride and strong connection with the school.

This not only provides financial support for the university, but also helps to build a network of engaged alumni who can serve as ambassadors for the institution.

Businesses use university alumni data to find talented and qualified employees, by identifying graduates who are a good fit for their organization.

This targeted approach saves companies time and resources compared to traditional recruitment methods and can help companies forge good relationships with the universities themselves.

How Do Marketers Use Alumni Data?

What Organizations Need Alumni Data?

How Can Datazapp Help?

Getting Started with Datazapp

You can create an account below to get started. It’s completely free to explore our database and see what we have to offer!


The Solar Craze and how Contractors & Marketers can Capitalize

Home-based Solar systems are taking the nation by storm. Interest in renewable energy and slashing home energy bills are driving more and more homeowners to consider solar power.

Recent surveys reveal that the number of households with solar panels in the US has increased by over 60% in the last 5 years! This presents a great opportunity for solar installers and marketers to expand their customer base.

Incentives are Driving Consumer Interest in Solar

The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

The Federal ITC provides a 30% tax credit for homeowners who install solar panels on their homes. This credit can lessen the financial hit of a solar installation.

The Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) Program

The SREC program provides financial incentives to homeowners who generate their own solar energy. The program operates by allowing homeowners to sell credits for the energy they generate to utilities and other energy providers.

State-Specific Incentives

In addition to the Federal ITC and SREC program, there are numerous state-specific incentives that encourage homeowners to go solar. For example, some states offer rebates and grants for solar installations, as well as low-interest loans for homeowners who want to switch to solar power.

How Can Solar Marketers Find Leads & Grow their Business?

Pulling Lists of Qualified Homeowners

Datazapp provides homeowner lists with postal info, phone numbers and Email addresses to reach them. You can also target by home square footage, home value, and homeowners’ income to find the most qualified prospects.

Appending Contact Info to Existing Lead Lists

Already have a list of prospects? No problem – with a Datazapp account, you can upload your lists and add Emails or Phone numbers in minutes.

Discover Who Your Ideal Customer Is

Take your customer lists, and use Datazapp’s Demographic Append service to identify patterns that your best customers have. You can use that info to find other ideal prospects.

Getting Started with Datazapp

You can create an account below to get started. It’s completely free to explore our database and see what we have to offer!


Demographic Append Service now Available

You asked for it, and we delivered. Datazapp has introduced a fully self-service Demographic Append service available 24/7 in your account.

Datazapp users can now upload lists into our platform and receive any of 28 demographic labels in the same blazing-fast speed you’ve come to expect from our other data append services.

Get to know your prospects and clients better with:

Individual Demographics

Household Demographics

Lifestyles & Interests

Charitable Affinity


Political Email → Gmail → Spam

Deliver to Gmail Inboxes with Google's New Pilot Program

VSP Program_

Since the 2020 election cycle, Email marketers have increasingly noticed their political messages going to SPAM folders, dramatically reducing Email visibility.

Gmail may be the largest participant in this problem. With it’s over 2 billion users and roughly 30% market-share among Email clients, deliverability to Gmail users’ primary inboxes is crucial for political Email campaigns to succeed.

Now, during the peak time of the 2022 election cycle, Federal Committees, Candidates, and the Email marketers working on their behalf can reclaim their Email visibility.

Google's Verified Sender Program (VSP)

Google is currently accepting applications to join a new pilot program recently approved by the FEC called the Gmail Verified Sender Program (VSP) which aims to screen political Email messengers and bring more Email visibility to approved applicants during the 2022 election cycle.

Emails sent from approved applicants will land in Gmail users’ primary inboxes with a special banner offering the recipient a chance to unsubscribe from the sender.

If the user does not unsubscribe or takes no action, messages from that sender will continue to reach their primary inbox.

On the other hand, bulk (non-opt in) political Emails from unapproved senders including Super PAC’s and non-Federal candidates will still to go to Gmail’s SPAM folders.

Who Is Eligible for the VSP Program?

1.) An Authorized Candidate Committee;

2.) A Political Party Committee; or

3.) Leadership Political Action Committee

Applicants must be registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and comply with VSP program policies on top of Google’s standard Terms of Service.

More Info Available

Google published this slide show with more details about the Verified Sender Program.

Federal Committees can apply here to join, and learn about eligibility requirements and program policies here.

Datazapp's Solutions for Political Email Marketers

Datazapp offers ways to mitigate ESP’s attempts to hide political Emails. Datazapp users can select certain domains to exclude or include in their Email append results and lists of Registered Voters & Political Donors.

If you already have many Gmail addresses in your records, Datazapp can match other non-Gmail addresses to those contacts.

You can also explore the SMS Text and Telemarketing channels with our Phone Append Service.

Datazapp’s Email Append Service is second-to-none in quality for price at just $0.03 or less per Email record.

Datazapp also has one of the largest databases of Registered Voters & Political donors available to marketers online.


Top 7 Reasons to Use Email Marketing

Top Reason to use Email Marketing
Email is still the top-performing marketing channel when it comes to price and R.O.I. Email marketing has been around a long time now, so this marketing channel is crowded and competitive.

That’s why it’s so important to not just obtain accurate and deliverable Email addresses for your campaigns. Those audiences must be targeted to maximize your reach and your audience’s responsiveness. Fortunately, Datazapp can help you do both.

Check out our top reasons why you should incorporate Email marketing into your campaigns:

1.  Popular Across Age Groups 

No matter how old you are – whether your target audience are millennials or baby-boomers, Email is an important communication channel that most people use daily.

2.  Cost-Effectiveness

One reason why Email marketing can yield such high R.O.I’s is because sending out Emails is inexpensive yet effective in reaching your audience. Datazapp also makes it cost-effective to obtain Email addresses, either by appending Emails to your existing lists, or by creating targeted Email lists using Datazapp’s massive consumer & business databases.

3.  Re-Targeting Capability

Email is a fantastic way to digitally re-target your prospects. Emails can be sent quickly and triggered to send to certain recipients based on specific actions taken by visitors to your website, new customers or prospects, etc.

Datazapp helps marketers re-target their online prospects by matching Email addresses, Names, and Mailing addresses to visitors of their or their clients’ website visitors. This enables marketers to quickly reach out and move those site visitors into the marketing & sales funnel.

4.  Less Red Tape

The simplicity of Email marketing is alluring to many. Barriers to entry are low, even for more inexperienced Email marketers. Besides the low price of Email, there are also the benefits of a largely unregulated marketing channel.

While telemarketing has seen a growth in legislative red tape, Email marketing is bounded primarily by one piece of legislation – the CAN-SPAM Act. This act outlines simple-to-follow guidelines for ethical and legal Email marketing practices which are common-sense to most people.

5.  A Less Intrusive Marketing Channel

As annoying as unsolicited marketing Emails can be, they are far less intrusive than some other forms of marketing, like SPAM and robo-calls, cookie-based online trackers, text messages, direct mail, and in-person door-knocking.

Marketers can leverage Email marketing while being confident that their recipients have the power to ignore, reduce, or prevent any unwanted Emails from them.

6.  Many Targeting Capabilities

Not all Email addresses have the same value to marketers. Most of the ROI which Email marketing can generate comes from the targeting & segmentation of Email audiences. In a phrase – targeted campaigns simply perform better.

Targeted audiences will be more responsive and will respond more favorably to your Email campaigns than an untargeted audience.

Datazapp provides the targeting tools and audience filters Email marketers need to create the best audiences for their particular campaigns.

6.  Effective Tracking Options

As a digital tool, Email marketing provides superior tracking options. Marketers can see which recipients open specific Emails, when and how many times they opened them, which links they click, and more.

More knowledge = more power for marketers, giving them the data to tailor their audiences and message to maximize their response.

Recipients who interact greatly with your marketing Emails may be hot leads to follow-up with, while recipients who ignore or minimally interact with your Emails may not be the ideal audience, or you may need to use different marketing channels to convert them.
See how Datazapp can help you fuel your Email marketing campaigns with quality & targeted Email addresses:

How Reverse Email Appending can Maximize your Marketing Reach

If you have Email addresses for your leads and customers, and only use them for Email marketing – you could be leaving money on the table.

Many marketers are realizing the potential to send Direct Mail marketing to their Email prospects, along with telemarketing & social media advertising.

How are they doing this? They are using a process called Reverse Email Appending.

When you upload lists of hashed or plain Emails with Datazapp, we also supply the postal information associated with those Email addresses. We even give you any phone numbers associated with those Emails.

You can also transform hashed Emails in MD5 or SHA format into plain Email addresses using your Datazapp account. So you can start putting those Emails into your marketing funnels immediately.

Why Use the Reverse Email Append Service?

How Does it Work?

Reverse Email Appending is just as simple and quick as the regular Email append process.

Just upload your Excel files, wait a few minutes, and you can download your list with the Postal info added, and any hashed Emails converted.

Datazapp uses its massive database of Postal, Consumer, and Business contacts to find information associated with your Email addresses. Upload your Email files and out comes the postal and phone data you need to run your marketing campaigns.

Upload Emails,
SHA, or MD5 Hashes

John Smith
[email protected]
(602) 502-4578

123 Blue St. Phoenix, AZ

Each Email matched with at least a Name & a Mailing address is considered a match and priced at 3 cents. Follow this link to learn more about Datazapp’s Reverse Email Append service.


The Importance of Targeted Lists amid Facebook’s Upcoming Policy Changes

FB Targeting Rules

Facebook has announced that it is limiting the way advertisers can target relevant audiences on the platform. Starting early next year, marketers will not be able to target profiles using “sensitive” categories or interests, including religion, sexual orientation, health, or political beliefs.

Removing these targeting options hamstrings advertisers looking to reach users with these interests, such as Jewish Americans, LGBTQ members, Diabetics, or those in political camps.

Marketers will be limited to more general targeting options, like age, location, or gender, but will still have access to “non-sensitive” interests i.e. “rock-climbing,” “dog owners,” etc.

Datazapp to the Rescue

Fortunately, Facebook’s “Custom Audience” feature remains intact, allowing marketers to upload their own lists of prospects directly onto Facebook’s advertising account.

This means you can obtain a highly targeted list from Datazapp and advertise to those users on Facebook, bypassing the platform’s strict targeting rules.

Looking for an audience of Conservatives to advertise to on Facebook? No problem! How about an audience of Indian-Americans? Absolutely.

With Datazapp, you can build lists of U.S. residents based on religion, ethnicity, political affiliations, financial standing, homeownership, presence of children, marital status, gender, age, and much more.

Datazapp also adds demographic labels to your existing lists so you can break your contacts into relevant marketing audiences for targeted campaigns.

Make an account or give us a call at (888) 374-3282 to get started!


The Datazapp Difference

What sets Datazapp apart from other data providers? What advantages do our clients enjoy? It comes down to 4 main issues –

Turn-Around Time,  Price,  Data Quality,  & Responsiveness

The Other Guys

5 - 20

On Average

Around Time

1 - 2

On Average

Here at Datazapp, our goal is to save you time and money getting your marketing data. So, we have made your Datazapp account a lean, clean, data-providing machine.

Most of our services including Phone & Email Append are self-service and available 24/7. It only takes a few seconds to upload your data, and then another few minutes to get the completed data back.

Building lists is also quick and painless. Simply enter the appropriate module, be it Consumers, Homeowners, Businesses, etc. and in just a few clicks you can create targeted lists and download them directly to your computer.

In total, most of our services take under 10 minutes to fully use.

Datazapp’s streamlined services provide you only the data you need while leaving out junk data. For example, our Phone & Email append service returns only the best Email, Cell Phone, or Landline per contact.

Instead of receiving 10 phone numbers and sifting through all of them to find the correct number, you can save time and money with your outbound methods by avoiding junk data.

3 - 4

On Average


8 - 15

On Average

Our clients love Datazapp because our data prices are next to unbeatable while our data quality remains high. Put simply, we don’t believe in exorbitant profit margins. Instead, we prefer to drive our prices down and establish long-term relationships with our satisfied clients.

Other data providers often charge 5 to 10 times our rates for similar data. While some companies have similarly low pricing, they rarely come close to our average accuracy rate of 80%.

Datazapp also offers deeply discounted pricing options which can be locked-in with pre-payments of $1,000 or more to your account balance. You can enjoy these discounts regardless of the volume of data you need!


80% Average

Data Quality
& Accuracy

Quality &
Accuracy Varies

When choosing a data vendor, the accuracy & quality of the data can be a toss-up. There is no shortage of fly-by-night companies looking for a quick one-time sale.

Datazapp has been a leader in high quality data for over a decade. While some companies have similarly low pricing, they rarely come close to our average accuracy rate of 80%.

Call, Email & Chat

with Data Experts
during Business Hours


Good Luck!

Don't Hold Your Breath

People who reach out to us are often surprised at how responsive we are to their needs and questions. Reaching us on the phone is never a problem, and your emails to us are always answered in a timely manner.

We build long-term relationships with our clients that are built on trust and transparency. Our customers know that they can reach us anytime during business hours via phone, Email, and our online chat box.

Our [email protected] channel is always open, and messages sent after regular business hours are typically answered the very next morning. Support channels between Datazapp users and our friendly staff are also available directly in your account.
Read about other ways Datazapp is head and shoulders above the competition here:
A targeted marketing approach beats an un-targeted one every time. As a business owner or marketer, you know your customers and prospects better than anyone. So, your Datazapp account gives you a suite of targeting options to find the best Consumer, Business, Homeowner & other prospects for your business.

Our Homeowner database has targeting filters using owners’ demographics & financial indicators to find motivated sellers, good contracting prospects, & more. Market segments such Absentee Homeowners, Vacant Homes, and Homes in Pre-foreclosure are also available.

Consumer records can be targeted by over 50 behavioral categories, and over a dozen demographics. Business contacts are filtered by Industry, Title, & other company details.
No matter how your business does marketing, chances are you have more than just one data need. That’s why Datazapp is your one-stop-shop for marketing data, providing a host of data services.

Primarily, Datazapp offers 3 categories of data services: Appends, Lists, & Data Hygiene

Marketers append data when they have existing records like customer or prospect lists, and need to add missing data such as Phone Numbers, Emails, Updated Postal Info, Demographic labels, or behavioral insights.

Marketers also create new lists of prospects using the targeting options available.

Datazapp’s List Hygiene services include Phone Scrub, Email Verification, CASS/NCOA postal updates, & more. These services keep your contacts up to date and keep your marketing partners compliant with regulations.

Create your no-obligation account to see why Datazapp users tend to never look back once they join: Signup Here

And don’t forget to see what our customers have to say about us! Datazapp Customer Reviews


How to Use Facebook Custom Advertising Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences
Facebook has become a staple for online marketing in the last decade, not only because of its enormous base of users, but the platform’s ability to categorize its users. Oftentimes, these are interests, demographics, and behaviors Facebook users select to describe themselves, so marketers can target niche audiences in their marketing campaigns and be confident in the applicability of their Facebook audience.

Within the “Ads Manager,” Facebook business users can create custom audiences with a list of existing leads or customers, but you can also use this list to find “Look-alike” audiences in which Facebook finds other users that share similar interests, demographics, and behaviors that are likely to respond well to your marketing campaign.

Whether you currently use Facebook advertising or not, taking advantage of the platform’s Custom and Lookalike audiences is the best way to put your marketing content in front of the largest audience on Earth. Virtually every customer of your business is on Facebook, so why not look for potential customers in the same source?

This is where Datazapp comes in. To get the most out of Facebook’s audience builder, you need several data points for each of your existing customers. You may have one or two data points for your customers like names and addresses, but not contact info such as phone numbers or emails.

Perhaps you are an email marketer or an Amazon seller and your customer list is just a string of emails. In both cases and many more, Datazapp can fill in the gaps of your customer lists with our Phone Append, Email Append, and Reverse Append services. Upload your customer file into Datazapp’s self-serve portal, and within minutes, phone numbers and/or email addresses will be added to your list.

You’ve got your customer list completed with Datazapp. Now What?

Now you’re ready to create Custom audiences on Facebook. To do this, you will need a Facebook Business Manager account.

First, log in to your Facebook “Ads Manager” account. Under shortcuts, click the “Audiences” button. Then click the “Create Audience” button, and select “Custom Audience.”
We will use a Customer File to build our audience. Once you select “Customer File,” drag and drop your customer file, and match the columns in your file with the appropriate labels such as name, address, phone number, email address, etc. You will then see how many records in your file were uploaded into your custom audience.
Facebook searches its own database to find your customers’ profiles for which you can create targeted ads. Facebook’s Custom Audience is also a great channel to follow-up market your services to people who visit your website or express interest in your business, but the possibilities don’t end there. With a Custom Audience in place, you are ready to find new customers on Facebook with a Lookalike Audience.
After you choose a few search preferences, Facebook combs through its millions of profiles to find users with demographics similar to your customer audience. And just like that, you have a new audience much larger than your current one who is likely to respond well to your marketing. In summary:

The Marketing Value of Political Donors

Political Donors Article
Political Donors are a perfect group to target when Fund-Raising for both Political and Non-political purposes. Political donors are pro-active, and they use their finances to make positive change.
Political donations correlate with other forms of charitable donations to Non-Profits. So, Non-Profit Marketers have a unique opportunity to target this donor group to achieve high ROI’s for their marketing dollars.
For example, a person who donates to the Democratic sources may likely donate to Planned Parenthood or environmentalist causes, while a person who donates to Republican sources may likely donate to the NRA or religious Non-profits.
Political Donors are a perfect fundraising group to target if you are a political candidate running for office during the 2024 Mid-Terms. You can target these data by Congressional District, City, County, State, or Zip Codes. Plus, you can identify donors by donation amounts, donations dates, and candidate or committee to which they donated.
Donor Lists are perfect tools to communicate and send your message digitally through Email marketing, peer-to-peer texts, and social media!
At Datazapp we offer these lists of political donors at just 4 cents per record! Each record comes with the donor’s Name, Address, and your choice of Email Address or Phone Number.

WATCH: How to Create Lists of Political Donors

Getting Started with Datazapp

You can create an account below to get started. It’s completely free to explore our database and see what we have to offer!


Re-Targeting Online Visitors with Datazapp’s IP Pixel

Datazapp is empowering digital marketers with a tool to identify and retarget website visitors using IP addresses.

The Visitor IP Insight tool helps website owners achieve online identity resolution – the practice of recognizing website visitors and matching those users with the contact info marketers need to send them relevant messages at each step of the buyer’s journey.

“Our Visitor IP Insight tool is an ideal retargeting solution for any website owner who realizes the buying potential of their online visitors, but sees too many of those prospects leave without making a purchase or giving their contact info,” said founder Nirav Patel.

“This solution will put more online leads back into the sales funnel and ultimately boost  marketing R.O.I.” 

The process is remarkably simple. A short string of code called a “Pixel” is placed on a website, where visitors’ IP addresses are captured and matched with a nationwide database of over 300 million consumers updated continuously. Email addresses, names, postal info, and even phone numbers are synced in real-time to the user’s dashboard on Datazapp’s 24/7 platform. 

The Pixel is a one-stop-shop for the IP capture & data append process. But companies with their own IP technology in place don’t have to scrap their current system. Those marketers can submit their site visitors’ IP’s directly to Datazapp over an API connection or by uploading Excel files.

For the last 12 years, has served businesses with quality email and phone number appends, consumer (B2C) prospects, business (B2B) data, and quick turn-arounds. Now, their technology is helping digital marketers convert online leads in an ever-changing internet landscape. Information about their products and services can be found at their website